Most rumors are baseless
General George Kruk, known for his subjugation of the native Indians, wrote the following on page 77 of his famous journal: “Almost all of the misery and anxiety of the Indians originates from their imagination and not from reality.”
They think that every cry is against them. (Qur ‘an 63: 4) Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing except disorder; and they would have hurried about in your midst [spreading corruption] and sowing sedition among you…
(Qur’an 9: 47)
Professor Hawks of Columbia University said,
“Either there is or there isn’t a remedy for a given problem. If a remedy does exist for a specific problem, find it; and if not, then don’t bother yourself about it.”
And in an authentic hadith, the Prophet (bpuh) said:
“Allah has not sent down a sickness except that He has also sent down for it a cure. He knows it who knows it, and he is ignorant of it that is ignorant of it (so even if the most famous doctor is ignorant of it, it still exists).”