Contemplate these Prophetic sayings

“If Allah loves a people, He tests them. Whoever is pleased, for him there is pleasure, and whoever is angry, upon him there is wrath.”

“The most harshly tested people are the Prophets, followed in succession by those who are best after them. A man is tested according to his religion. If his religion is strong with him, his test will be more intense. If his religion is weak with him, he will be tested according to the level of his religion. (Allah’s) slave will continually be tested until he is left to walk on the earth without a mistake (to have to account for).”

“Wonderful is the situation of the believer. All of his affairs are good (for him)! And this is only for the believer. If good befalls him, he is thankful, and that is good for him. If harm afflicts him, he is patient, and that is good for him.”

“And know that if the entire Nation were to gather upon benefiting you with something, they would only benefit you with something that Allah has (already) written for you. And if they were to gather upon harming you with something, they would only harm you with something that Allah has (already) written for you.”

“The righteous ones are tested: first, the best of them, then the next, and so on.”

“The believer is like a tiny branch; the wind blows it to the right and to the left.”