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Salamu’Alaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters,
In the build up to the blessed month of Ramadan The Myf implores everyone to donate whatever they can to help support us in the running costs and management of our beloved Masjid which has been a beacon of light in Manchester City centre for many decades now.
We rely on your donations to ensure we can always inshallah be here to support the local community and provide a place of worship for our diverse and blessed worshippers. It is critical at this time of year that we prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan and what better way than supporting your local Masjid. So please give what you can!
Allah the almighty says – “Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity” (2:83).
You can donate securely online www.myf.org.uk via our donate button or simply scan the QR code on our homepage. You can also pay any donations in person at our main reception desk. Khair
The Myf Team