MashAllah this month we have a video report from Josanica:
There were 30 children taking the course during January, ranging between preschool ages to the age of 15. There is only one group. We gather on Saturdays and Sundays, 8 hours a week. 5 children recite Qur’an and 3 children learn Sufara. One third of the time is for the new things from Fiqh, Akida, Ahlak and the history of Islam. The rest of the time is for the repetition, hifz and learning Arabic letter for the youngest.
During February there were 16 hours of lessons, taking place from12 to 14 each weekend. Children were doing the following themes:
4th February: the birth of Muhammed(salallahu alejhi we selem)
5th February: nasheeds
11th February: work of Ebu Hanife
12th February: no course due to the extremely cold weather
18th February: work of Ahmed Ibn Hanbel
19th February: sincerity and truthfulness
25th February: worki on the story The King and the Iron Wall
26th February: reciting Qur’an and Sufara
There were 24 lessons during February, 12 in each group, 6 working days. Due to the following things, the loads of snowfall in the first half of the month, the fact that many children taking the course live in a wide area around the mosque and that many of them walk few kilometers, there was no lessons on 11th and 12th February. Also, there are 15 students who are able to recite Qur’an and 14 students learn Arabic letter. At the beginning of the month, on Saturday, 4th February, there was a program done by students in order to celebrate 12th Rebiul evvel. The manifestation was held in the local mosque after salatul- magrib.
Besides regular repetition of the hifz, reciting Qur’an and learning the letter and besides the repetition of the learnt (through conversation and tests), during February next themes took place:
5th February: the big signs of the Judging Day: the appearance of the imam Mehdi before the day we are all to die, seen through Hadis
18th February: Idgam-misleyn and Idgam- mutedzaliseyn (work on these two rules)
19th February: the big signs of the Judging Day: apparition of Je’dzudz and Me’dzudz (work on the Qur’an tale on Zul’Karnejn from surah Kehf)
25th February: sheria’rules connected to Musafir(traveler): traveler’s prayer and fasting
26th February: apparition of Je’dzudz and Me’dzudz, 2nd part: hadiths on the apparition of these people on the Earth preceding the Judging Day
4th February: We-l-jewmi-l-ahiri: belief in the Judging Day. The fifth pillar of Islam
5th February: ablution, things that erase it
18th February: Queen’s kindness, the tale on Musa’s birth (from the book for children “Qur’an Tales for Children”)
25th February: Sahibi- uzur: the rule connected to the ablution and prayer of the person who has a physiological problem
26th February: rules connected to the selam
The course of reciting the Qur’an and learning the letter, in the adults group, has been enriched by two new members. Those are two young men who had never learnt Arabic letter before. So, there are 16 students now, five of which recite the Qur’an and the rest learn the letter. The meetings are regularly on Friday and Sunday nights. There are also lessons on Resulullah’s life. These lessons are done chronologically. So, during February, we talked about the three following periods in Resulullah’s life:
– when he was at Halima’s house and the death of his mother Amina
– the period he spent at his uncle Ebu Talib’s home and the meeting with the priest Behira
– his participation in the battle between the tribes Kurejs and Hevazin
These lessons were well visited by both the members and the other members of the dzemaat. Therefore it showed to be a good initiative.
Earlier before, I wrote about the way we work with the groups and about the separation concerning the age. I won’t bother you with this anymore; I will just write what we did the previous month:
2nd February, 2- 4 o’ clock: there were 14 members under 12 and 12 members between 12 and 15. The whole month started with the difficulties that would continue for a longer period of time. Due to the extremely cold weather, the heating in the youth centre IPAK- SHL broke (pipes), so we had no place for gathering. However, we gathered and played football outside on the snow, the young people insisted. It caused a lot of fun and laugh among the gathered youth.
24th February: there were 13 members up to 14. We were talking about Uzeir andKarun and their treasury. The gathering was organized in the local mosque after the salatul dzumaa’ because it is the only time the mosque has heating turned on. The centre was still closed. This time all members were included due to the Independence Day. The youth started the rehearsals of the national anthem “One and Only”
27th February, 1-3 o’clock: the primary school allowed us to use one of their classrooms for the gathering. There were 16 members who continued with the rehearsal for the Independence Day. The celebration was to be held in Islamic centre in Zvornik, and it was organized by the Bosniaks’ Association in Zvornik. The youth also expressed a wish to sing a nasheed as a gift for audience.
28th February, 1-3 o’clock: there were 14 members who also had a rehearsal for the Independence Day on 1st March. They were practicing the nasheed “Ask (love) makes you sick” and they also learnt the anthem
29th February, 1-3 o’clock: there were 15 members. Even though they learnt the nasheed I had to say them that they would not sing it on the celebration day because there would come people of all religions since it is a national day. It was obvious that they were disappointed but they promised to recite the nasheed in front of the audience as soon as they had a chance. No one remembers the national anthem sounds better than that day; I have to say that it has never been performed as near to the riverDrina as it was that day.