During November there were the DAWA workshops, under the sponsorship of the organization MYF from Manchester, taking place. These workshops were happening regularly in the following places: Pobuđe- near Bratunac, Jošanica and Križevići- near Zvornik.
There were 106 children up the age of 14 taking place in the activities.
During November, as part of the project DAWA, the themes that were worked on are next:
- hajj- as a fifth pillar of Islam
- kurban- sacrificial wether in the name of Allah, a. š.
- The meaning of the Eid as a great Islamic holyday
- Hijjra and forming the first Islamic country in Medina
- Alcohol, narcotics and tobacco as the biggest problems of nowadays
Beside all the mentioned, there were sports activities such as football and volleyball.
Taking into consideration that we have started the activities of Dawa and that there are at least 100 children aged up to 14 in these three places, in order to improve the quality of work with the children in future period and to draw attention of the children not taking part in the activities of the DAWA, we suggest to buy the sports equipment and the teaching aid for the teachers to use during the lessons. We ask you, the Muslim Youth Foundation, to help with the money needed to buy all this.
The list of the sports equipment needed:
- 3 Football balls
- 3 volleyball balls and 3 nets for volleyball
- Various games
- 100 notebooks and pencils for the students to take notes during the workshops
- 100 books for teaching the Arabic letters
Everything mentioned above would cost around 400.00£
To donate to the BCP go to the Bosnian Children’s Project page on the Just Giving website Bosnian Children’s Project.