During the month of September workshops in Da’wa were taken with sponzorship by Muslim Youth Foundation from Manchester. Workshops are regularly taken in returnees’ villages: Pobudje near Bratunac, Krizevici and Josanica near Zvornik.
In these activities there was total number of 127 of children.
Numbers by the villages were as follows:
– Josanici – 35 children, 19 girls and 16 boys
– Krizevici – 56 children, 18 girls and 38 boys
– Pobudje – 36 children, 19 girls and 17 boys
Activities in Pobudje are guided by Mersed ef Majstorovic, activities and Krizevici are guided by Ilijaz Miralemovic, journalist, while activities in Josanici are guided by Osman ef Halilovic, teacher of Bosnian lanaguage and literature.
During the month of September the following topics were covered in the Da’wa project:
– Islamic obligations
– continued to study arabic alphabeth and studies about Qur’an,
– movie projections about history of Islam were played,
– teachings about Bosnia, Bosniaks and how had Islam come to these places were taken,
– there were also sport activities such as football and volleyball
“Book Club” activity has taken place in this project and its being achieved with support of mobile library.