Monthly Archives: March 2015

Prophet Muhammad’s SAW Farewell Sermon / خطبة الودا, Khutbatu l-Wada

9 DhulHijjah 10 AH (9 March 632) at Mount Arafat

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) undertook his farewell pilgrimage in the year 10 A.H. His farewell pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the most significant historical events in the minds of Muslims, for it was the first and last pilgrimage made by Prophet Muhammad, as well as being the model for performing the fifth pillar of Islam, the Hajj. Read more…

MYF Open Day Event on the 28th of March 2015 – 12pm till 6pm

The Muslim Youth Foundation (MYF) in Manchester is the largest Mosque in City Centre Manchester. We will be opening the doors of the Mosque to the General Public on Saturday the 28th of March 2015 between 12pm & 6pm for an “Open Day”.

The aim of the Open Day is to showcase the work that the Mosque does and to build bridges & understanding with the local community. The theme of the Open Day is, “Women in Islam”.

This theme has been chosen to mark International Women’s Day which occurs in March every year. All ages, cultures, faiths are welcome – come as you are! On the day there will be:

  • Mosque Tours.
  • Free food, coffee, tea and cakes.
  • Exhibitions on “Women in Islam”, “The Prophet Muhammad”(pbuh) and “What are the basic tenets of Islam?”.
  • A Power Point presentation & a rolling TV compilation on the above topics.
  • An information table.
  • Arabic Calligraphy demonstration
  • Henna hand painting for the ladies.
  • Children’s face painting
  • Costumes from Muslim Countries for people to try on.

The MYF is in the Northern Quarter of the City Centre(the area opposite the Arndale Market)

For more info on the event please call 0161 832 5352.

Also if you would like to volunteer please do not hesitate to contact us.


Prophet Adam (AS) – Part I

In approaching Adam’s AS story, it is important to keep in mind that his story begins in the spiritual world, in the timeless, spaceless realm of Allah and His angels. And While Adam AS is obviously the most important character in his own story, there is another character who is also of great importance, Iblees or Shaytan, the arch-villain. Adam’s AS story is a history of our species. He is both the first man and ancestor of the human race. At a deeper level, his story is also a subtle allegory concerning mankind and the human condition, both before and after the Fall. We hope this summary of his story serves to give us a deeper insight of our true origin, nature and identity, so that we can know who we truly are and where we belong in the divine scheme of things.


Stories of the Companions

Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (RA)

Preface: This is only a summary of the life of Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. For ease of reading, we have not inserted “May Allah be pleased with him (RA)” each time his name or the name of each Companion is mentioned, but please take it that the salutations apply to all of them, may Allah be pleased with them all. Read more…

Solar Eclipse/Salahat-Ul-Kusuf

On Friday 20th March 2015, a solar eclipse will take place approx between 8am to 10am.

This very event took place during the life of Muhammad (PBUH) whereby he ordered the companions (RA) to have fear of Allah and stand in prayer in congregration during the eclipse.

In addition, he asked them to make Duaa and give in charity.

Therefore, the myf will open at 8am on Friday.

The Salah will only commence if witnessed with the eye.

The Salah consists of two units with two rukuu in each unit.

More details will be explained on the day.

Invocations in times of worry and grief

Allaahumma ‘innee ‘abduka, ibnu ‘abdika, ibnu ‘amatika, naasiyatee biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadhaa’uka, ‘as’aluka bikulli ismin huwa laka, sammayta bihi nafsaka, ‘aw ‘anzaltahu fee kitaabika, ‘aw ‘allamtahu ‘ahadan min khalqika, ‘awista’tharta bihi fee ‘ilmil-ghaybi ‘indaka, ‘an taj’alal-Qur’aana rabee’a qalbee, wa noora sadree, wa jalaa’a huznee, wa thahaaba hammee .

O Allah, I am Your slave and the son of Your male slave and the son of your female slave . My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. you have control over me) . Your Judgment upon me is assured and Your Decree concerning me is just . I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with , revealed in Your Book , taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You , to make the Qur’an the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress.

Reference: Ahmad 1/391, and Al-Albani graded it authentic.

Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal’ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wa dhala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal .

O Allah , I seek refuge in you from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men (i .e . others) .

Reference: Al-Bukhari 7/158. See also Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/173.

A good life

A Western thinker said:

“It is most possible for you, while you are behind steel bars, to look out upon the horizon and to smell roses. It is also extremely plausible for you to be in a castle replete with opulence and comfort, and yet be angry and discontented with your family and wealth.” Read more…

Controlling one’s emotions

Emotions flare up for two reasons: either for joy or for inner
Pain. In a hadith, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) said:

“Verily, I have been prohibited from emitting two foolish and wicked sounds, one that is emitted when something favorable happens, and the other that is expressed when calamity strikes.”

In order that you may not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of that which has been given to you.   (Qur’an 57: 23)

For this reason, the Prophet (bpuh) said:

“Verily, true patience is that which is displayed during the initial shock.”

Therefore, when one contains his emotions upon both the joyful and the calamitous occasion, he is likely to achieve peace and tranquility, happiness and comfort, and the taste of triumph over his own self. Allah described man as being exultant and boastful, irritable, discontented when evil touches him, and niggardly when good touches him. The exceptions, Allah informed us, are those who remain constant in prayer. For they are on a middle path in times of both joy and sorrow. They are thankful during times of ease and are patient during times of hardship.

Unbridled emotions can greatly wear a person out, causing pain and loss of sleep. When such a person becomes angry, he flares up, threatens others, loses all self-control, and surpasses the boundaries of justice and balance. Meanwhile, if he becomes happy, he is in a state of rapture and wildness. In his intoxication of joy, he forgets himself and surpasses the bounds of modesty. When he renounces and relinquishes the company of others, he disparages them, forgetting their virtues while stamping out their good qualities. On the other hand, if he loves others, then he spares no pains in according them all forms of veneration and honor, portraying them as being the pinnacles of perfection. The Prophet (bpuh) said:

“Love the one who is beloved to you in due moderation, for perhaps the day will come when you will abhor him. And hate the one whom you detest in due moderation, for perhaps the day will arrive when you will come to love him.”

And in another hadith, the Prophet (bpuh) said:

“And I ask you (O’ Allah) to make me just, both while being in a state of anger and while being in a state of Joy. Read more…

Do not be sad Wait patiently for a happy outcome

The following hadith is found in the book of At-Tirmidhi: “The best form of worship is to wait (patiently) for a happy outcome.”

1s not the morning near?   (Qur’an 11: 81)

The morning of the afflicted is looming, so watch for it. An Arab proverb says, “If the rope becomes too tight, it will snap.”

In other words, if a situation reaches the level of crisis, then expect a light and an opening to appear. Allah says:

And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will remit his sins from him, and will enlarge his reward.  (Qur’an 65: 5)

And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.    (Qur’an 65: 4)

In an authentic hadith, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) relates this saying from Allah:

“I am with the thoughts of my slave towards me, so let him think of me as he pleases.”

Allah, the Almighty, says:

They were reprieved] until, when the Messengers gave up hope and thought that they were denied [by their people], then came to them Our Help, and whosoever we willed were delivered.   (Qur ‘an 12: 110) Read more…